Customer monthly data entry and Invoicing
For companies who charge their customers for services such as time resource (consulting) or utility resources (electricity, gas, water) it is crucial to make invoicing by fact as easy as possible. But, of course, accountants use one system for their financial processes and invoicing, and the consumed resources are measured and logged in some other system. It is whether time logged in JIRA or some other issue/time tracking system, or electricity/gas/water meter readings sent in or collected using some IoT solution.
The challenge here is as follows: somebody has to run monthly reports for all the customers, calculate the costs and generate invoices. This a monthly procedure, which takes more and more time as the company grows and gets more customers.
Automation is a must-have to help with scalability. Either it is done by some integration or using RPA tools.
Robot in this case can go through all active contracts, collect customer meter readings, copy these data to invoicing system and generate invoice for the desired time period. It will this both much faster and without human errors.
RPA teemad: sales, accounting, integration